Monday, December 29, 2008
Props to G-Ma
I must give a shout out to JoAnne today. Last night Jeff, the kids, and I drove down to Naha's airport to pick up Grandma and Grandpa. Their flight was about an hour late but they made it. And not only did they make it but they looked good! If you know JoAnne you know she dislikes flying a little bit. But she did it. That LONG trip from Dulles to Okinawa and she did it. We didn't get them to their room until midnight so we're not sure when we'll hear from them today. I wanted to take a picture of them arriving but I forgot my camera. I'm sure we'll have many pictures of their visit. And if we don't Phil will. :) I'll keep you updated on our adventures with our first and maybe only company.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Because Not Everyone Will Be Home For Christmas
This song never moved me until I moved to the other side of the world where I can only dream of being home for Christmas. Mom, Dad, Devry, Laura, Luke and Brady, I'm going to miss seeing you for Christmas. I'll miss all of mom's homemade rolls and desserts. I'll miss Devry's jokes. I'll miss Luke's scheming and Brady's hugs. I'll miss seeing the boys play baseball with Uncle Jeff. And I'll miss how Jeff always gives mom and dad a hard time. I won't be there in person but I'll be there in spirit and hopefully on skype. But while I'll be missing my home for Christmas I'm still at home here in Okinawa. We'll have Christmas Eve dinner together, go to church, and come home to wait for Santa. We'll be together. The Singley four. But there are some who won't be together with their families this Christmas and I want to remember them too. Please pray for our troops deployed around the world and their families back home. When your spouse is deployed it's like a part of you is missing and I imagine that feeling is even stronger when it's Christmas. So this Christmas, slow down, remember why we're celebrating. Jesus, the King of Kings, was born to save us. And while you are enjoying being together with family and friends remember to pray for those who are not. I wish you all a Merry Merry CHRISTmas!
The Hand That Rocks The Cradle
A conversation from earlier today.
Mommy: Alison put the baby Jesus back.
Alison: No
Mommy: Alison please put the baby Jesus back I don't want him to get broken
Alison: No mommy I rocking Him. Baby Jesus rocky, Baby Jesus I rocky you.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Mystery of The Manger
The elementary department of Owen's school put on their annual Christmas program tonight. It was called "The Mystery of The Manger." The kids did a great job and looked adorable all dressed up. Here are some pictures from the night.
This video is mostly for the grandparents so I apologize for it being sideways for awhile. Let's just say I don't have video skills. Owen is on the bottom or left side in a red sweater and black pants. We sat on the wrong side of the auditorium. :)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It's a Statement, I'm Just Not Sure It's a Fashion Statement
p.s. remember to go down and turn the music off before you play the video so you can hear what she says
The Happiest Place On Earth
We are home from a 5 day trip to Tokyo. We left Okinawa on Thanksgiving Day and arrived in Tokyo around noon. We stayed at the New Sanno, a military hotel, in Tokyo. It was amazing. Great service, clean beautiful rooms, great food, and a swimming pool for the kids. The reason for our trip was to take the kids to Tokyo Disneyland. Let me just say even in Japan Disney does not disappoint. First of all God was so good to us because it was raining when we arrived but once we walked through the gates at opening it didn't rain another minute. The park was decorated for Christmas and Christmas carols were playing throughout the park. I really don't know who had more fun, the kids or Jeff and me. The highlight for Owen was Space Mountain and Star Tours. Alison liked the carousel and the teacups. I LOVED LOVED LOVED the electrical parade. When I was little I had the record to the electrical parade. I would listen to the music over and over but I never got to see the parade. When we lived in San Diego Jeff and I were able to see it at California Adventure, but Tokyo's was way better. I felt just like the little girl who listened to the record over and over again.
Our second day we went to Disney Sea. It was a very cool park but the rides were geared more towards older kids and adults. Jeff and O went on Indiana Jones but Owen said it was a little scary. This park was more crowded than any other Disney park I've been to. Plus we only saw about 10 other Americans the whole day. That was kind of weird but also kind of normal. We have gotten used to being the minority. One thing that is very cool about having blond haired children is that the Japanese love to take their pictures. We felt like parents of movie stars. The kids had their picture taken several times at both parks and in the airport. I think Alison is getting used to the attention and somewhat expects people to fuss over her. Owen on the other hand acts shy and has a hard time even smiling for the photos.
The trip was great and a wonderful time of relaxation for our family. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to go. We are also thankful to the Hyser's for giving the kids spending money so they could pick some souvenirs from the trip.
Now we're really in the Christmas spirit and plan to enjoy "the most wonderful time of the year". We hope you do to!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Just A Suggestion
If you haven't bought Casting Crowns new Christmas Album you should. It is really really good. It makes me happy to listen to it and sing REAL loud in the car.
It's just a suggestion, but you'd be a fool not to buy it! :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Things I Don't Want To Forget
1. The hugs Alison gives me when she wakes up from a nap. She's still too sleepy to pull away and I get to squeeze her and smell her sweet cheeks and hair.
2. The way Owen smiles at me in the rear view mirror when I pick him up from school. Even though he's a big boy his baby grin is still there.
3. The way Owen calls his Nerf guns, Narf guns. Love it!
4. Alison's chubby little hands grabbing her snack and the way it sounds when she crunches it.
5. The way Alison covers herself back up and says "nooo!" when I wake her up to go get Owen from school. (why doesn't she do that in the morning?)
6. Owen telling Alison "watch out Alison I'm going to do something dangerous for you."
7. The way Alison sings "yes, Jesus loves everybody" before she goes to bed.
8. Alison saying "kissy my nose", "me kissy your nose, oh I missed" "you kissy O's nose" "O's nose is far away"
9. Owen asking a million and one questions about Star Wars.
10. Owen and Alison coming downstairs 5 minutes after we put them to bed and Alison saying with her arms wide out "we both wake now, yay".
11. The way Alison receives a gift. "mommy you got dis for me. tank you it make me sooo happy"
The Difference A Year Makes
Our plane flight to Tokyo, November 17th, 2007
One year ago today we boarded a plane at Dulles International not knowing what lie ahead. Now here we are, one year into our 3 year tour in Okinawa, and time has flown by. It's been a good year with much physical and spiritual growth. We are thankful for the opportunity to live in Japan although we miss our families and homes so much. God has been faithful to care for us here and for you there. We look forward to what this next year holds, especially our upcoming trip to Tokyo Disney for Thanksgiving! Thank you for your prayers and support as we have adjusted to living abroad. We are blessed!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Well, I've had about a week to process the World Series, and I still can't believe that I can actually say the Phillies are World Champions! It was a little difficult to watch the games from here in Okinawa. Most of them occurred during work hours, so I was forced to keep track of the games through the internet. I was actually seeing a patient when Kristen paged me to tell me that the Phillies had won. (She later brought me a cheesesteak for lunch to celebrate. Man, I love that girl!) It's a tough life being a Philadelphia fan. I've tried to explain this psychology to Kristen, but I don't think she quite gets it. You're almost scared to win. Losing is so familiar, that you almost don't know how to feel about winning. From the start of the Series, Kristen was always positive, telling me how she was confident the Phillies would win. She couldn't understand my uneasiness with her attitude...relatively new to the phenomenon of Philadelphia teams, new to the heartbreak of rooting for teams that consistently find new ways to lose games.
But not this year. Not this time.
So...enjoy the celebration Phillies fans. Grab a cheesesteak, a hoagie and some water ice and spread some brotherly love at the Jersey Shore. Here's to the Phillies and recovery from the psychology of losing.
A Funny Story
Mommy: Alison did you make a picture of Zaccheus today?
Alison: No I din't
Mommy: Yes you did are you lying?
Alison: No I'm Alison
Waiting on Pins and Needles
I've got to tell you living in a time zone where it is already November 4th, but no election has occurred is strange. I keep wanting to check in with Brit Hume for exit polls and real numbers. I keep wondering if my Maverick and comeback kid can do it just one more time. I'm using my November 4th to pray. To pray for our nation. To humbly ask our gracious God to please have mercy on our country again.
Last night as we were saying prayers with Owen we prayed for the election. He has often asked us who is running and who is winning. Last night he asked me "mom, does Barack Obama love God"? "I don't know Owen. I hope he does but some of his beliefs and choices make me think he doesn't" Then he asked "does his wife love God", "I don't know honey". "What will happen to Barack Obama when he dies if he doesn't love God"? "What do you think will happen?" Owen replied "he won't be in heaven with Jesus." Wow. I left that conversation convicted to pray for our leaders. Whether I agree with them or not. To pray that their eyes would be open to the truth of God's word. That they would know Jesus as their savior because He is the only way to heaven. I was also convicted to live my life in a way that my son would know that I love God. That he wouldn't have to question if I knew Jesus or not. That I would choose to serve others and love others the way God loves me.
So on my November 4th while I wait for your Nov. 4th, I am praying. It's not a bad way to spend the day.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I Think My Mac Laughs at Me
I've been trying to figure out my iMovie and iPhoto slideshows this morning. I'm not very smart. I'm sure it is way easier then I make it, but I hope this video works and I'll try to do better next time. Enjoy!
Friday, October 17, 2008
He's The Love of My Life
He's 5 years old, 45 inches tall, and 47 pounds. He's blonder than blond and he is the love of my life. Yes, Owen sealed his place in my heart tonight. As he was picking the donut he wanted for dessert he went for my favorite, the boston kreme. The last boston kreme. I said "oh, that's my favorite" and he started to put it back. I told him to go ahead and have it I didn't need it. He was enjoying his donut and proceeded to tell me how it was now his favorite. Then he said "mom, sometimes at church they have donuts with creme in them you could get one there". I said "yes you're right I could, but donuts are not very good for mommy." Next thing I know he's right beside me handing me the last half of the donut. I told him No thanks and then he said the sweetest words a boy could say to his mama, "No, I want you to have it.". And with that he is permanently the love of my life. I enjoyed the last half of the boston kreme as I listened to O and his sister giggling in the tub. Life is good.
It's A Bird, It's a Plane, It's
SuperKIDS! I found these jammies for Alison at the exchange today. They only had one pair and I've learned the hard way if you think you want it you need to buy it when you see it, so I did. Is she precious or what? She calls herself "buperman". Owen spent some time teaching her how to fly. Thankfully it only involved jumping off the couch. I love my little "supermans".
Look Mom, A New Floor
We finally decided to put in our request for a new "wood" floor. I assumed it would take months to get it but somehow we lucked out and got it in about 3 weeks. God is good! I can't believe I waited so long to ask for it. I'm thinking there is a lesson there. Anyway just wanted to show off our new and old floors. But don't worry we get to keep the green steps. I have a feeling we'll miss those when we leave here.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Why Is It...
That my children's illness of choice seems to always be a stomach bug? Just before 5am I heard Alison crying for me. When I reached for her in her bed I felt something wet and realized she had thrown up. I felt bad for her but I felt worse for me. That sounds selfish and maybe it is but we just put the little girl in a BIG girl bed Monday night. It had clean sheets, a beautiful quilt, and a "shortcake" blanket. What it didn't have was a mattress pad. I wasn't able to get to the store to buy one and I wanted to get her in her bed over the holiday weekend because Jeff was off to help me. I figured no big deal, she's still in a diaper at night so the mattress will be fine. And then the stomach bug hit. Much to my amazement the mattress was spared. It seems Alison is much like her brother and would rather throw up on herself or me than actually mess up anything in her room. We ended up downstairs as to not "wake" her brother. Our efforts were meaningless since he woke up when he heard me changing her and said "I think I could just stay up now". Oh sure, because what I really need at 5am is both my children up and about while my bed is still calling my name and it is going to be dark outside for another good hour. After a cup of coffee the world seemed better or at least more awake. We got Owen off to school and came home to the laundry and disinfecting that occurs after a stomach bug hits our home. Too bad Jeff wasn't still off to help. So now the little girl, who is feeling much better by the way, has another perfectly clean big girl bed, with a towel under the sheet (just in case) until I can get to the exchange and buy a mattress pad tomorrow. Sweet dreams my little sick one. Sweet dreams!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Shh... I Have a Secret
Our last trip to Disney World
OK so it's not really a secret but we haven't told the kids yet so it is a secret to them. I just booked us a Thanksgiving trip to Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea. I'm so excited I can't stand it. I admit it I'm a HUGE Disney World fan. We are waiting to tell the kids until it is definitely official. It looks like a go but Jeff's work schedule could always change so to avoid disappointing them we will wait to tell them. Of course if you know me at all you know I can't keep secrets well. Well at least not secrets like this. I'm famous for buying Jeff something for his birthday or Christmas and not being able to wait to give it to him. I just love making people happy so it is hard for me to keep things like that under wraps. I'll keep you posted as the trip gets closer.
Rock The Vote!
I voted! It is the 5th time I've voted for President. Am I getting old? My mom taught me that you shouldn't talk about who you vote for. It is a personal decision and freedom for each individual. I can see her point but I'll just go ahead and let you know I'm for MCCain/Palin baby! I hope all of you will decide to be for them on your own. But even if you have a different opinion, VOTE!! Exercise your freedom to choose our next President because Freedom isn't Free. Can't wait for November 4th. And here's hoping for no hanging chads or recounts. Oh, and that my ballot actually makes it to in time to be counted. :)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Hard But Good
Our sermon today was titled "Hard But Good". It was based on 2 Corinthians 2:1-4. The message was very good and encouraged me about the conflicts in my life as well as my life in general. When we first moved to Okinawa and people would ask me how things were going I often responded "they've been hard, but good". That may sound silly, but it is the truth. I would also say "I guess if things weren't hard I wouldn't realize how much I need God". So we are almost finished with our first year in Japan and things are GOOD. Hard But GOOD. I was thinking over the events of this last year and I think the phrase "hard but good" can apply to many of them.
1. Moving to a foreign country away from family and friends. HARD because we won't see them very much for 3 years. GOOD because our little family of 4 will be strengthened as we depend on each other.
2. My mom having a pulmonary embolism/blood clots. HARD because I couldn't be there to care for her but GOOD because we could see God's protection in sparing her life and Praise Him for how well He cared for her.
3. Jeff becoming Department Head. HARD because it is a lot of hours and new responsibilities he's never had before GOOD because he's learning everyday and being used by God as a physician and leader in the FP clinic
4. Struggling to find friends and connect. HARD because I long for close friendship, and encouragement that only comes from someone who knows me and invests in me. GOOD because it forces me out and to depend on God to find me a place to fit in.
5. Flying internationally with 2 kids under 5 by myself. HARD I think these reasons are obvious GOOD because we got to go HOME and love and be loved on by our families and I gained confidence in my ability to do things out of my comfort zone.
6. My Dad being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease HARD because I want to help, and he is not getting good care and I want to yell at the neurologist, and tell him to treat my dad with love and respect just as he would want one of his family members to be treated. GOOD because we have seen such an outpouring of love from family and friends.
7. My brother enduring the stress of his job. HARD because I want all good for him and I know what a hard working, loyal employee he is. GOOD because it gives me a chance to remind him of the one who cares for him.
8. A dear friend finding out her cancer is back. HARD because enough is enough already and she should be able to enjoy her sweet husband and watch her beautiful girls grow up without dealing with anymore pain/meds/fear etc. GOOD because I get to see her become more Christ like with every battle she faces, and I get to see God's people come to her side and pray for her and care for her.
9. A dear friend learning of her parent's separation. HARD because Wow we didn't see that coming and no matter what age you are it rocks your foundation when parents split up GOOD because she is choosing to live with hope and courage for her kids and she can hold tight to Jesus and KNOW that HE is Good and He never changes.
10. Brent and Heather having twins. HARD because we're not there to watch them grow, oh and because raising one newborn is hard enough let alone two. GOOD because God created 2 more beautiful Singleys and they are being raised with love.
I'm sure you get the point. Life is hard but good. With the elections and financial crisis going on back home I'm somewhat thankful for living abroad right now. I guess what I felt God showed me today is that although the circumstances I live in may be hard or trying or scary HE is GOOD all the time. Everything is His and we can trust Him.
"I will lift up my eyes to the hills-- From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty. There's nothing my God cannot do (for you)
Owen learned that song in preschool and I find myself singing it a lot these days. I hope you all are encouraged today that God is for you and not against you and that He never changes. Have a great Sunday.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I have joined a bunco group. I LOVE it! Probably because I have won money the last two times. Really I just enjoy getting out and having time with other women and eating good food. Although I must say it makes me feel a little bit old since I can remember my mom having a bunco group when we lived in Nebraska. Now I know why they did it. Those few hours away from little ones are priceless in this stage of life. Alison is in the middle of potty training and is also in some major separation anxiety stage. It is about to drive me nuts. At the end of each day I feel beat up by my 2 year old. She is so bossy and even though I correct her it is still exhausting to have to do that every time she forgets her manners or says something like "NO DON'T TALK TO ME". Isn't that supposed to be what she says when she is a teenager? I'm trying to remember this is a season, but this is a phase I didn't encounter with Owen. I'm not sure if it's a gender thing or a personality thing. Maybe I should read that book "The Strong Willed Child". Of course just when I've had enough of her tantrums and manipulation she does something really sweet. This afternoon she laid down to watch her show and she looked up at me and said "mommy, yay down with me". I couldn't resist, so I laid next to her and snuggled her sweet little bossy self up. Pray that I have the wisdom and strength to raise her right. I know why parents give in, it puts an end to the screaming. But that will only be a temporary fix. The root problem will remain. So even though it may be easier to give in to her fits, and I may lose a few of the battles I'm praying to stay strong so I can win the war. In the meantime bunco is definitely some good therapy.
P.S. On the potty training front she is doing very well. Only a few accidents in a week. She was the one ready to do this, not me. Of course now she's pushing for a big girl bed too. What happened to my baby?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Alisonisms Part Two
Dancing with her daddy
Before I forget I want to record some more of Alison's fun sayings.
"I do do myfelf"
"I'm worry" (I'm sorry)
"Daddy you ride mommy's go go in a littleittle bit"
"I nant to" (I don't want to)
"I nant to seep my crib anymore"
"2, 5,2,5,2,5 Not, a me" (counting for hide and seek, ready or not, here I come)
"cat-a-cake, cat-a-cake, roll it, pat it, baby and me"
"Daddy, help me dance"
"I'n know how"(I don't know how, complete with her hands out palms up)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Movie Day
Owen was out of school today so as a treat after nap/quiet time I let the kids pick out videos from the shoppette and built them a fort to watch them in. We made popcorn and had licorice. It was a great time. Of course the movie selections were right up there with the latest Oscar nominated flicks. "The Chipmunks Christmas Adventure" and Strawberry Shortcake's "Rockaberry Roll" If you haven't seen them you don't know what you are missing.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Who Is That Masked Man?
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