Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Sound of Freedom
As I sat on my back porch this evening watching my kids play in their blow up pool I heard a loud noise. At first I thought "could those Air Force jets just go ahead and land already" and then as the noise got closer and louder I realized it wasn't an air force jet at all it was a harrier. A very cool, very loud, marine corps harrier. Four of the jets came across the sky above our home and we watched them on their approach to Kadena. I instantly felt a bond with those pilots. Chances are I don't know a one of them but some how those jets made me feel at home. It made me miss our days with VMA 542 and all our friendships there. The guys in that squadron will always be heroes to me.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sporting A New Look
About 5 years ago Jeff and I were giddy with excitement over a little drooly baby face that had popped his first tooth. I never dreamed that same little tooth would cause us to be excited again. On Thursday Owen lost his first tooth. Another milestone and another step in growing up. My mom asked me how he looked with a tooth missing and I said "BIG". What do you think of his new smile?
Just a Visitor
We returned home last Sunday from our trip to the states. We were glad to get here. Our little cement bunker never looked so good as it did after a 19 hour trip. The flights were fine but they just reinforced the fact that we live far far away from "home".
It was good to be with family and to reconnect with friends. As much as I needed to be home I found that I wasn't really needed there. I was certainly welcome and had a good time, but I realized that I was just a visitor. Every one's lives had gone on without us. They had play dates to attend, sports to play, babies to tend to, work to do, etc. It's hard to fit into other people's schedules for 5 weeks. Of course I expect them to go on without us, but it was just hard to finally see and realize that we don't live there anymore. I know you're thinking "you never did live there", but for the past 7 months I was holding to the hope that going home would be way better than being here in Okinawa. It wasn't. Don't get me wrong, I love being home, but it was obvious that God doesn't want us there now. As much as I long to watch my kids grow up with their Grandparents and cousins close by that just isn't what God has for us now. We don't fit there because we're supposed to be here. That was hard for me to accept. I couldn't believe that my family would be ok without me, but they are. And why wouldn't they be. God is caring for them just as he is caring for us. He is providing for us here and for them there. He is filling in the gaps and teaching and growing us all. He is sovereign and moving me around the world from my family wasn't a mistake. He has shown me that in many ways. Now it is my job to accept it and to make the most of my time here. To trust and believe that God has everything under control. One day maybe He will have us closer to home but for now we are right where He wants us and I'm finally ok with that.
It was good to be with family and to reconnect with friends. As much as I needed to be home I found that I wasn't really needed there. I was certainly welcome and had a good time, but I realized that I was just a visitor. Every one's lives had gone on without us. They had play dates to attend, sports to play, babies to tend to, work to do, etc. It's hard to fit into other people's schedules for 5 weeks. Of course I expect them to go on without us, but it was just hard to finally see and realize that we don't live there anymore. I know you're thinking "you never did live there", but for the past 7 months I was holding to the hope that going home would be way better than being here in Okinawa. It wasn't. Don't get me wrong, I love being home, but it was obvious that God doesn't want us there now. As much as I long to watch my kids grow up with their Grandparents and cousins close by that just isn't what God has for us now. We don't fit there because we're supposed to be here. That was hard for me to accept. I couldn't believe that my family would be ok without me, but they are. And why wouldn't they be. God is caring for them just as he is caring for us. He is providing for us here and for them there. He is filling in the gaps and teaching and growing us all. He is sovereign and moving me around the world from my family wasn't a mistake. He has shown me that in many ways. Now it is my job to accept it and to make the most of my time here. To trust and believe that God has everything under control. One day maybe He will have us closer to home but for now we are right where He wants us and I'm finally ok with that.
Two Year Old Trouble
My baby turned 2 years old on July 10th. I have no idea how that happened. Of course in her mind she is every bit as big and old as her brother. There is nothing she won't try and very little that scares her. She is beautiful, spunky, strong willed, sweet, charming, and did I mention beautiful. She reels people in with her eyes and that smile. One bat of those lashes and flash of that dimple and you're hooked. You can't get enough of her. Even the bossy, loud, independent part of her. She gives great hugs and usually will let you get all of her kisses. She doesn't like falling, though she does it a lot. She'll get angry and yell "NO" if you try to see if she's ok. She loves tu tu's and pretty pink dresses. Shoes are her friend. She is definitely girly but she can keep up with the boys. I doubt she'll ever be pushed around by anyone. She'll either defend herself or her brother will stick up for her. She loves her Owie. She never calls him Owen just Owie and she says it louder and longer if he doesn't answer her. Jeff and I often discuss just what type of man will marry our girl. He's going to have to be tough. Not just anyone can handle all that God has put in that little one. We are so blessed to have our sweet little Alison and look forward to watching her grow. Since we were in the states for her birthday she ended up with 3 celebrations. She's definitely a princess!
Her real birthday. Celebrating with an Elmo cake at GramZ and Baba's Anniversary party in Indiana
I had to put this one in. Look at the contempt on their faces. I think Uncle Devry is trying to convince her to like him more than mommy.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Reunion Tour
It's hard to believe we'll wrap up our 5 week USA tour this weekend. We've seen and done a lot. We welcomed two new cousins to the world, James and Claire Singley were born June 23. We've been swimming, shopping, playing, and eating quite a bit. We've been to the zoo, the mall in DC, the Natural History Museum, the WWII monument, and an old fashioned 4th of July parade. We had several birthday parties for a 2 year old princess and a 40th anniversary party for my parents. We spent several days visiting family and friends in Indiana and enjoyed a 70th birthday party for Aunt Julia's husband, Vic. We're back in Virginia and hope to spend as much time with family as we can before we head back to "the rock". I'll update more with pictures once we get home. Please pray for our long journey home and the goodbyes. I'm really not good at those. We'll be talking to you from the other side.
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