It's just a suggestion, but you'd be a fool not to buy it! :)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Just A Suggestion
If you haven't bought Casting Crowns new Christmas Album you should. It is really really good. It makes me happy to listen to it and sing REAL loud in the car.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Things I Don't Want To Forget
1. The hugs Alison gives me when she wakes up from a nap. She's still too sleepy to pull away and I get to squeeze her and smell her sweet cheeks and hair.
2. The way Owen smiles at me in the rear view mirror when I pick him up from school. Even though he's a big boy his baby grin is still there.
3. The way Owen calls his Nerf guns, Narf guns. Love it!
4. Alison's chubby little hands grabbing her snack and the way it sounds when she crunches it.
5. The way Alison covers herself back up and says "nooo!" when I wake her up to go get Owen from school. (why doesn't she do that in the morning?)
6. Owen telling Alison "watch out Alison I'm going to do something dangerous for you."
7. The way Alison sings "yes, Jesus loves everybody" before she goes to bed.
8. Alison saying "kissy my nose", "me kissy your nose, oh I missed" "you kissy O's nose" "O's nose is far away"
9. Owen asking a million and one questions about Star Wars.
10. Owen and Alison coming downstairs 5 minutes after we put them to bed and Alison saying with her arms wide out "we both wake now, yay".
11. The way Alison receives a gift. "mommy you got dis for me. tank you it make me sooo happy"
The Difference A Year Makes
Our plane flight to Tokyo, November 17th, 2007
One year ago today we boarded a plane at Dulles International not knowing what lie ahead. Now here we are, one year into our 3 year tour in Okinawa, and time has flown by. It's been a good year with much physical and spiritual growth. We are thankful for the opportunity to live in Japan although we miss our families and homes so much. God has been faithful to care for us here and for you there. We look forward to what this next year holds, especially our upcoming trip to Tokyo Disney for Thanksgiving! Thank you for your prayers and support as we have adjusted to living abroad. We are blessed!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Well, I've had about a week to process the World Series, and I still can't believe that I can actually say the Phillies are World Champions! It was a little difficult to watch the games from here in Okinawa. Most of them occurred during work hours, so I was forced to keep track of the games through the internet. I was actually seeing a patient when Kristen paged me to tell me that the Phillies had won. (She later brought me a cheesesteak for lunch to celebrate. Man, I love that girl!) It's a tough life being a Philadelphia fan. I've tried to explain this psychology to Kristen, but I don't think she quite gets it. You're almost scared to win. Losing is so familiar, that you almost don't know how to feel about winning. From the start of the Series, Kristen was always positive, telling me how she was confident the Phillies would win. She couldn't understand my uneasiness with her attitude...relatively new to the phenomenon of Philadelphia teams, new to the heartbreak of rooting for teams that consistently find new ways to lose games.
But not this year. Not this time.
So...enjoy the celebration Phillies fans. Grab a cheesesteak, a hoagie and some water ice and spread some brotherly love at the Jersey Shore. Here's to the Phillies and recovery from the psychology of losing.
A Funny Story
Mommy: Alison did you make a picture of Zaccheus today?
Alison: No I din't
Mommy: Yes you did are you lying?
Alison: No I'm Alison
Waiting on Pins and Needles
I've got to tell you living in a time zone where it is already November 4th, but no election has occurred is strange. I keep wanting to check in with Brit Hume for exit polls and real numbers. I keep wondering if my Maverick and comeback kid can do it just one more time. I'm using my November 4th to pray. To pray for our nation. To humbly ask our gracious God to please have mercy on our country again.
Last night as we were saying prayers with Owen we prayed for the election. He has often asked us who is running and who is winning. Last night he asked me "mom, does Barack Obama love God"? "I don't know Owen. I hope he does but some of his beliefs and choices make me think he doesn't" Then he asked "does his wife love God", "I don't know honey". "What will happen to Barack Obama when he dies if he doesn't love God"? "What do you think will happen?" Owen replied "he won't be in heaven with Jesus." Wow. I left that conversation convicted to pray for our leaders. Whether I agree with them or not. To pray that their eyes would be open to the truth of God's word. That they would know Jesus as their savior because He is the only way to heaven. I was also convicted to live my life in a way that my son would know that I love God. That he wouldn't have to question if I knew Jesus or not. That I would choose to serve others and love others the way God loves me.
So on my November 4th while I wait for your Nov. 4th, I am praying. It's not a bad way to spend the day.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I Think My Mac Laughs at Me
I've been trying to figure out my iMovie and iPhoto slideshows this morning. I'm not very smart. I'm sure it is way easier then I make it, but I hope this video works and I'll try to do better next time. Enjoy!
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