Monday, December 29, 2008
Props to G-Ma
I must give a shout out to JoAnne today. Last night Jeff, the kids, and I drove down to Naha's airport to pick up Grandma and Grandpa. Their flight was about an hour late but they made it. And not only did they make it but they looked good! If you know JoAnne you know she dislikes flying a little bit. But she did it. That LONG trip from Dulles to Okinawa and she did it. We didn't get them to their room until midnight so we're not sure when we'll hear from them today. I wanted to take a picture of them arriving but I forgot my camera. I'm sure we'll have many pictures of their visit. And if we don't Phil will. :) I'll keep you updated on our adventures with our first and maybe only company.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Because Not Everyone Will Be Home For Christmas
This song never moved me until I moved to the other side of the world where I can only dream of being home for Christmas. Mom, Dad, Devry, Laura, Luke and Brady, I'm going to miss seeing you for Christmas. I'll miss all of mom's homemade rolls and desserts. I'll miss Devry's jokes. I'll miss Luke's scheming and Brady's hugs. I'll miss seeing the boys play baseball with Uncle Jeff. And I'll miss how Jeff always gives mom and dad a hard time. I won't be there in person but I'll be there in spirit and hopefully on skype. But while I'll be missing my home for Christmas I'm still at home here in Okinawa. We'll have Christmas Eve dinner together, go to church, and come home to wait for Santa. We'll be together. The Singley four. But there are some who won't be together with their families this Christmas and I want to remember them too. Please pray for our troops deployed around the world and their families back home. When your spouse is deployed it's like a part of you is missing and I imagine that feeling is even stronger when it's Christmas. So this Christmas, slow down, remember why we're celebrating. Jesus, the King of Kings, was born to save us. And while you are enjoying being together with family and friends remember to pray for those who are not. I wish you all a Merry Merry CHRISTmas!
The Hand That Rocks The Cradle
A conversation from earlier today.
Mommy: Alison put the baby Jesus back.
Alison: No
Mommy: Alison please put the baby Jesus back I don't want him to get broken
Alison: No mommy I rocking Him. Baby Jesus rocky, Baby Jesus I rocky you.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Mystery of The Manger
The elementary department of Owen's school put on their annual Christmas program tonight. It was called "The Mystery of The Manger." The kids did a great job and looked adorable all dressed up. Here are some pictures from the night.
This video is mostly for the grandparents so I apologize for it being sideways for awhile. Let's just say I don't have video skills. Owen is on the bottom or left side in a red sweater and black pants. We sat on the wrong side of the auditorium. :)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It's a Statement, I'm Just Not Sure It's a Fashion Statement
p.s. remember to go down and turn the music off before you play the video so you can hear what she says
The Happiest Place On Earth
We are home from a 5 day trip to Tokyo. We left Okinawa on Thanksgiving Day and arrived in Tokyo around noon. We stayed at the New Sanno, a military hotel, in Tokyo. It was amazing. Great service, clean beautiful rooms, great food, and a swimming pool for the kids. The reason for our trip was to take the kids to Tokyo Disneyland. Let me just say even in Japan Disney does not disappoint. First of all God was so good to us because it was raining when we arrived but once we walked through the gates at opening it didn't rain another minute. The park was decorated for Christmas and Christmas carols were playing throughout the park. I really don't know who had more fun, the kids or Jeff and me. The highlight for Owen was Space Mountain and Star Tours. Alison liked the carousel and the teacups. I LOVED LOVED LOVED the electrical parade. When I was little I had the record to the electrical parade. I would listen to the music over and over but I never got to see the parade. When we lived in San Diego Jeff and I were able to see it at California Adventure, but Tokyo's was way better. I felt just like the little girl who listened to the record over and over again.
Our second day we went to Disney Sea. It was a very cool park but the rides were geared more towards older kids and adults. Jeff and O went on Indiana Jones but Owen said it was a little scary. This park was more crowded than any other Disney park I've been to. Plus we only saw about 10 other Americans the whole day. That was kind of weird but also kind of normal. We have gotten used to being the minority. One thing that is very cool about having blond haired children is that the Japanese love to take their pictures. We felt like parents of movie stars. The kids had their picture taken several times at both parks and in the airport. I think Alison is getting used to the attention and somewhat expects people to fuss over her. Owen on the other hand acts shy and has a hard time even smiling for the photos.
The trip was great and a wonderful time of relaxation for our family. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to go. We are also thankful to the Hyser's for giving the kids spending money so they could pick some souvenirs from the trip.
Now we're really in the Christmas spirit and plan to enjoy "the most wonderful time of the year". We hope you do to!
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