Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who Needs Flat Daddy.....

When you can have the REAL thing!

At Okinawa's airport Sunday August 16, 2009

Life at the Singley house has dramatically changed in the last several days. One day last week Jeff called to say his deployment had been cancelled. Maybe you think my response was something like screaming the Hallelujah chorus, and planning for our reunion, but it was not. I think it was more like "shut up, I don't believe you" and that is harsh talk because we don't use the words shut up in our house. 

Over the next couple of days Jeff continued to say that the CO had confirmed it and they would all be leaving in a matter of days. Being a true Navy wife I didn't say a word to anyone. Especially not my children. I knew better. I knew they would change their minds. They always do. This is the Navy for crying out loud. Orders are never changed for my happiness. 

My heart leaped for joy when I saw his flight itinerary over skype. But it still seemed too good to be true. Cancel a deployment. Really? That. Never. Happens! But he was set to arrive Sunday night at 8:35pm. We decided to let the kids be surprised at the airport just to ensure things didn't get changed. A couple of Jeff's co workers met us at the airport to welcome him home. 

The kids were absolutely surprised as I'm sure most of you are. We're still a little in shock, but so extremely thankful for this blessing. God answered our prayers "to bring Daddy back to us as soon as possible" in a way I never imagined. How AWESOME is He!?! What a mighty and powerful God we serve! 

Today is Jeff's 35th birthday (which means mine is just around the corner, ugh we're getting old). It is very nice to be able to celebrate with him in person. Thank you for all of your love, prayers, and support. 

 I heart the Navy, for today anyway :). 

Remember to pause the music  first so you can hear the video

Thursday, August 13, 2009


These are all things Alison said today that made me smile. 

I don't want it (referring to sunscreen) on my headbow.  (forehead)

God said we could wear our jammies out. -- I think this is because I told her she can't wear her jammies out to the store

You are not God you are mommy. --  Thank goodness for that!

"And pray that Jesus helps her to walk again and run and, (long pause), skip"-- Referring to Miss Erin. I'm not sure skipping is on her list of skills to regain but Alison wants to make sure it is. 

I think my favorite is "headbow". I love it. Soon enough she'll say the right word and I'll know she is growing up, but for now I hope headbow sticks around a while. 

What A Military Wife Is....

Each one may look different and each is wonderfully unique, but this they have in common:

(some are even men)

Lots of moving...
Moving far from home...
Moving two cars, three kids and one dog...all riding with HER of course.
Moving sofas to basements because they won't go in THIS house;
Moving curtains that won't fit;
Moving jobs and certifications and professional development hours.
Moving away from friends;
Moving toward new friends;
Moving her most important luggage: her trunk full of memories.

Often waiting...
Waiting for housing.
Waiting for orders.
Waiting for deployments.
Waiting for phone calls.
Waiting for reunions.
Waiting for the new curtains to arrive.
Waiting for him to come home,
For dinner...AGAIN!

They call her 'Military Dependent', but she knows better:
She is fiercely In-Dependent.

She can balance a check book;
Handle the yard work;
Fix a noisy toilet;
Bury the family pet...

She is intimately familiar with drywall anchors and toggle bolts.
She can file the taxes;
Sell a house;
Buy a car;
Or set up a move...
......all with ONE Power of Attorney.

She welcomes neighbors that don't welcome her.
She reinvents her career with every PCS;
Locates a house in the desert,
The Arctic,
Or the deep south.
And learns to call them all 'home'.
She MAKES them all home.

Military Wives are somewhat hasty...
They leap into:
Career alternatives,
And friendships.
They don't have 15 years to get to know people.
Their roots are short but flexible.
They plant annuals for themselves and perennials for those who come after

Military Wives quickly learn to value each other:
They connect over coffee,
Rely on the spouse network,
Accept offers of friendship and favors.
Record addresses in pencil...

Military Wives have a common bond:
The Military Wife has a husband unlike other husbands; his commitment is
He doesn't have a 'JOB'
He has a 'MISSION' that he can't just decide to quit...
He's on-call for his country 24/7.
But for her, he's the most unreliable guy in town!
His language is foreign
And so, a Military Wife is a translator for her family and his.
She is the long- distance link to keep them informed; the glue that holds 
them together.

A Military Wife has her moments:
She wants to wring his neck;
Dye his uniform pink;
Refuse to move to Siberia;
But she pulls herself together.
Give her a few days,
A travel brochure,
A long hot bath,
A pledge to the flag,
A wedding picture,
And she goes.
She packs.
She moves.
She follows.

What for?
How come?
You may think it is because she has lost her mind.
But actually it is because she has lost her heart .
It was stolen from her by a man,
Who puts duty first,
Who longs to deploy,
Who salutes the flag,
And whose boots in the doorway remind her that as long as he is her Military
She will remain his military wife.
And would have it no other way.

Author Unkown

Got this from a friend on facebook and it made my day. Here's to all my favorite military spouses! I couldn't make it without you!

Update on Erin

I just wanted to let you know of the amazing progress Erin has made. She finally arrived at Balboa Medical Center in San Diego after a long and painful medivac trip. She had two surgeries. One to fuse her spine and one to put some hardware in her pelvis. In just one day after the surgeries she was up and taking baby steps. Over the course of the last few days she has been getting faster and stronger. She is now being moved to a Rehab facility where I'm certain God and her are going to amaze the staff. Todd and the kids finally arrived to San Diego last Saturday after a long and somewhat eventful trip. They are together. Jeff was able to see them over the weekend and told me that Erin made him laugh when she said "God was looking out for me because not one of my tattoos got messed up". Jeff agreed that was divine providence. She's a funny lady! 

Please continue to pray for Erin's  continued recovery and for the family to get settled into their new home. This is the first move either of their kids will remember and while they will adjust quickly it's hard on a mom when your kids are sad. Taryn will start second grade soon. She's a sweet girl and I'm sure will make friends quickly. Pray for the perfect teacher and friends to make her new school a good experience. I'm not sure if they have found a preschool for Ian but you could pray for that too. Thank you for lifting our friends up to Jesus. He is good and is answering all of our prayers.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Flat Daddy

Inspired by taking Flat Stanley on our China trip for my nephew, Luke, I decided to make us a Flat Daddy. He arrived in the mail Thursday. The kids were excited to see their dad and thought it was a fun idea. Already Flat Daddy has been bowling with us and he is currently watching cartoons with the kids. I know it is a silly idea but I thought it might make our time without Jeff a little more fun. Now lets hope Flat Daddy doesn't get left behind anywhere or I might be in trouble.