I am a FOX News junkie. I admit it. I love me some Fox and Friends in the morning and I enjoy the "No Spin Zone" too. However, I've recently realized that although I don't enjoy the various political parties and news pundits spinning the latest news I do enjoy some spin in my personal life. I have noticed that in particular when it comes to the military part of my life sometimes I need some serious spin on my circumstances. For instance, "We have orders to Timbuktu", most people would respond with "oh my god, how will you do that?" ( thanks for the support), but a military friend would say "oh,
at least it's not never never land". "Think of all the adventure and your kids will learn
Timbuktuese". On the other hand if my orders were to never never land my military friends would respond with "Oh, that is great you didn't get Timbuktu".
Another example would be "Jeff is on call for the 37
th night in a row". This is when
Nisha, wife of a Navy doctor would say "I know it, this residency thing "s-u-
x's" (we spell because we have 4 year
olds that pick up every word we say, especially the ones we don't want them to hear) but at least you don't have to cook dinner, you can get the kids to bed early and watch
tv or have a glass of wine".
When Jeff got orders to deploy I think my response was something like "Oh my gosh, the squadron is going to Iraq in 3 weeks and I have no idea what to do". My civilian friends were certainly supportive but my military friends were the ones who really got me through. They said things like "You're going to do great!" "All that extra pay is nice" "At least he's not on a ship, he'll be on the ground and probably won't leave the base" "But he's not missing any major holidays, it's a really "good" time for him to go".
There are countless examples of how my sweet military wife friends have encouraged me and spun my circumstances into something more positive than I could have imagined they'd be. But the other thing I love about these sweet people is that they know that there is a time when things just cannot be spun. For instance when Jeff missed his only brother's wedding, Kristin said "all the extra pay doesn't really make up for missed family events, I know that is hard". Or when
Arica drove her self to the hospital, her water broken, in labor with her first baby and her husband was half a world away. There was nothing I could say that would make that better. I will never forget the tears in her eyes when I walked in that room. Oh, but she was strong and she adjusted to being a first time 'single' mom better than I did, both times.
Again, there are countless examples of these experiences. This Navy life is fun, crazy, and hard. I am so thankful for those women who have come beside and me and loved me, taught me, and sent me on. I'm also thankful for how they are helping me prepare for this next adventure. God has certainly blessed me!