Today we went to Comprehensive Park again, but this time we took bikes and explored a little more. We started at the great playground we found the first time we went but then the kids found a track to ride bikes/scooters on and from there we saw a spider web jungle gym. We headed that way and found the spider web and another playground with a zip line. One of Owen's most favorite things about Okinawa is zip lines. I have to agree with him they are pretty fun. I tried one at another park where there weren't so many people watching. We went to the park with our friends Shari, Kaitlyn, and Kyle. After the kids wore themselves out we headed to McDonald's for lunch. I now know why McDonald's has picture menus. It is for people like me who can't read Japanese or ask for a happy meal in Japanese. Luckily, the good people at the McDonald's made it simple for this American and all I have to do is point and smile. We filled up on some fast food and a Japanese veggie juice box and went home for naps. It was a good day.

Owen on the zip line
Spiderman's jungle gym
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