I realized that I haven't said much about Alison lately. That girl. Oh my, is she something. Somedays I could sell her, well maybe just rent her out, and other days I'm not sure what I would do without her. She sure can scream. She is very independent. She climbs, everywhere. She thinks shes 4, but she's only 18 months. She's starting to talk in sentences. Some we can understand some we can't. She mostly sleeps through the night but when she doesn't you know about it. She likes things the way she likes them. Jeff would say that is because she is a woman. I don't know, maybe it is, but I have prayed for her to be a confident woman and maybe that is just showing through. She is certainly a beautiful girl. And even with all of the frustration of her being so loud, determined, and stubborn when you feel those chubby little hands hugging your neck you can't help but forget what just made you so frustrated. She gives great hugs. Her smile is contagious and those eyes. Wow, can she make you melt with just one look and bat of those lashes. Like I said, she is something.
Anyway, today she showed me how much she is like me afterall. Alison has always been my carb eater. We have to hide chips and fries from her and I'm certain she could live on goldfish if we'd let her. This afternoon after her nap she wanted a "nak" and pointed to the cabinet. I was bringing chocolate tastykakes for Owen after school and thought maybe she would like a valentine cake that GramZ sent. She took one look at it and said "oooh" and started clapping. THat's my girl. She knows the good stuff when she sees it. Then this afternoon I found her eating the "cupid corn" (valentine candy corn). She was smart enough to drag her stool from her piano over to the buffet and stand on it so she could reach the bowl. There is no telling how much of the sugary goodness she ingested. I tried to give a stern "no no, Alison" but inside I was proud of her ability to find the candy. Well done sweetheart. It is obvious you have been watching mommy very close, just wait for the Easter candy to come out!