Today started like any school day. Get up, eat breakfast, get dressed, brush teeth and hair and watch a show until it is time to leave. Owen did so well with this I was optimistic that he would do
ok when I left him for his first day of school. I was fooled. My O did not want to go to that school. He cried and he cried hard. (so much so that when I picked him up today I could see little broken vessels on his face) I gave him a last kiss and told him I loved him and let the principal take him to his class. I walked with Alison to the office to do paperwork with tears streaming down my face. I felt awful. Like someone just ripped out my heart and stomped all over it. I prayed God would give him peace and calm him down. I prayed God would give me peace and calm me down. Alison and I headed home and I wondered if we had made the right decision. I called several people back home to get a good dose of love and support and then made some chocolate chip cookies so I'd have a special snack waiting for Owen when I picked him up. Jeff was able to go with us to get him because he is post call today. Isn't that always the way. He's never around for the hard moments but he's there to get the glory. Daddy's always the hero. He didn't drop him off and leave him there, mommy did. We waited outside of
O's class and could see him getting ready to come out. Alison saw him too and started yelling "O O" but he didn't hear her. He was smiling when he saw us and he was excited to tell me about his day. He seemed to like it, but he made sure to tell me that he cried for me at rest time. I think he just wants to make sure I feel loved.
He must have liked the bible part of school because this afternoon he had a little friend over and got out his "hide em in your heart" cd and told her it was about God. He put it in to listen to but she had to go home. So he brought down the DVD version so we could watch it at dinner. We don't usually watch shows at dinner but this one is just scripture set to music so we allowed it. As we sat down he said "mom I'm going to be better than you. I'm going to know more about God then you". I hope so baby. I hope so.
So pray that we have a better second day. And pray that Owen schools both his dad and me in his knowledge of God. I sure love that boy.
Owen hugging Alison after school
Hopscotch --- You can't really tell but the water is in the distance. The glare of the sun makes it hard to see but it is a great view. I'll try to get a picture in the morning.
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