Owen was out of school today so as a treat after nap/quiet time I let the kids pick out videos from the shoppette and built them a fort to watch them in. We made popcorn and had licorice. It was a great time. Of course the movie selections were right up there with the latest Oscar nominated flicks. "The Chipmunks Christmas Adventure" and Strawberry Shortcake's "Rockaberry Roll" If you haven't seen them you don't know what you are missing.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Who Is That Masked Man?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Check Out My New Look!
As a birthday present to myself I decided to get a blog makeover. I am so excited with how it turned out. I hope you like it too. Now that my blog looks pretty I'll have to make sure I update it more often.
We are having a good week so far. God blessed us with a wonderful weekend. Jeff was on call Saturday but can you believe his pager didn't go off at all? It was fabulous. He was off Sunday so we got to spend a nice weekend together as a family even with Jeff on call. God is good.
Alison continues to develop new conversation skills daily. I get so tickled when she finally figures out how to put words together. Today I asked her to take her taggie up to her crib and she responded with "I am mommy". Too smart for her own good. She better be careful with her tone. She's only two. What will 12 years from now look like?
Owen is still enjoying school and learning so much. Last week he read a book to the K4.2 class (his old class). I was so proud of him and so was Mrs. Hogue, his K4 teacher. T ball season is almost over. We still have 4 games left because we had a rain out due to the typhoon. He and the other kids are really starting to pick up on the rules of baseball. It's fun to watch.
Jeff is working hard at the hospital clinic. He's now the department head. I'm not sure that means too much, but we like to say "he's kind of a big deal". That is a quote from Anchorman for those of you who didn't know (mom). I think he is enjoying his new role but it is requiring some creative time management skills. He manages to get home for dinner most nights and if he has to he will go back to work after the kids are in bed. It's a good thing we live right behind the hospital. :)
I have gotten involved with PWOC, Protestant Women of the Chapel, on Kadena. It has been a good source of bible study and fellowship for me. This year I am serving on the board in a small position but one I think I'm well suited for. It is outreach for the Navy community. Basically I attend the newcomer's orientation to welcome people to the island and invite them to join us for bible study. It's fun to meet the new people. I'm also helping to facilitate a study called "After the Boxes are Unpacked". God is humorous isn't he.
So anyway not too much new in our daily lives, except my totally COOL new blog look. Hope you all are having a great week!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My new favorite Alisonisms
"Me funny" "No, you funny" "dat funny mommy?"
"Happy cake"
"Read to me mommy" "Read to me my cake" (that means her strawberry shortcake book)
"I wof you"
"Hi framZ"
"More bips" (chips)
"yay me!!"
"I kissy spanky" (after she kissed Owen on his bottom before bed, he was under his covers and she just kissed him on top of his body)
"Fwy again" (fly again)
"Dot Dog" (hot dog)
"Da ti da da" (when she wants you to notice how pretty she is or she is standing on top of something)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Owen's Sweet Heart

Then as he was getting ready for school I received an email from my mom telling me that Pacer had died. I was sad for myself and my parents but I knew how this would break Owen's heart. I chose not to tell him until after school. He knew that Pacer had been sick and was hoping to send him a present to make him feel better. I had the unpleasant task of telling O that Pacer had gotten more ill and was having trouble breathing. Before I could finish Owen said "and he died?" I told him yes and he immediately started crying. He sobbed for 45 minutes. He loved that dog like it was his own. He just kept saying he missed him and wanted to play with him. As I held my sweet boy I cried too. I wanted to take the hurt away and yet I knew it was inevitable. Dogs don't live forever and loss is part of life. Owen was able to call my mom before he went to bed and talk to her about Pacer. She assured him that Pacer knew O loved him and that he died while Gramz and Baba held him. He seemed OK talking to her and I heard him say "GramZ when I get back to the United States I'm going to get a dog like Pacer, he might be a different color but he'll look like him and I'll name him Pacer too." He has such a sweet heart! It was hard to watch my baby take one more step out of the innocence of his childhood. I wish I could keep him from the inevitable hurt that will cross his path, but I know I can't. But I know that I can trust God to care for him. Please say a prayer for my O and for GramZ and Baba. They are missing a sweet, feisty, black and white cocker spaniel and it will take a little time to heal.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Alison's Antics
I particularly love how she acts like she needs and wants help. Any parent at T-ball practice will tell you that she LOVES getting away from me and will try to climb anything by herself and is NOT afraid of climbing and jumping on her own. But of course when I pull out the video she is on her best behavior. :)
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