Last night as we were saying prayers with Owen we prayed for the election. He has often asked us who is running and who is winning. Last night he asked me "mom, does Barack Obama love God"? "I don't know Owen. I hope he does but some of his beliefs and choices make me think he doesn't" Then he asked "does his wife love God", "I don't know honey". "What will happen to Barack Obama when he dies if he doesn't love God"? "What do you think will happen?" Owen replied "he won't be in heaven with Jesus." Wow. I left that conversation convicted to pray for our leaders. Whether I agree with them or not. To pray that their eyes would be open to the truth of God's word. That they would know Jesus as their savior because He is the only way to heaven. I was also convicted to live my life in a way that my son would know that I love God. That he wouldn't have to question if I knew Jesus or not. That I would choose to serve others and love others the way God loves me.
So on my November 4th while I wait for your Nov. 4th, I am praying. It's not a bad way to spend the day.
Wow. Your post gave me goosebumps. We are in prayer too, my friend. Jim has been fasting - but I can't hardly do that and keep up with everything right now. But I am anxious. And nervous. And worried. Even today, after voting, our O was asking, "Mommy, if Barack Obama wins, that's really bad, right?" I had to explain again that God is sovereign and ultimately chooses all of our leaders. Did I ever tell you we almost named Owen "Brock"? I am SO glad we didn't especially now... :-)
As I read your post I am hearing the song in the background where she describes God, when she was a child, as a Superhero!!!! He is our superhero and no matter who sits in the "office" we stand on the knowledge that only God sits on the throne!!! Does that sound familiar? I've been quoting you all day as many of my facebook and myspace friends are devastated!!! I want to move from "What happened?" to "What do we do now?" Now we pray for our new leaders, trust God, focus on the TRUTH and not our circumstances and praise His name!!!! Thanks for sharing your heart, your beliefs and your love for Jesus!!!! God bless America!!!
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