Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Circus and China

We went to the circus! Pop Circus has been on island for the last two months and we were finally able to take advantage of one of MCCS's tours to the show. We went Saturday morning and it was a lot of fun. It was held in a big circus tent, go figure. I guess I was a little surprised by that because the last time I went to the circus it was in the Richmond Coliseum. They had the same snacks we would get in the states too. Owen chose a big bag of cotton candy and Alison chose popcorn. I find that funny because Alison has definitely inherited my sweet tooth. Owen is the one who even last night chose an apple for dessert. (where did he come from?) 

The show got started with some bicycle acts which were really impressive, then had a dog show. Alison, who loves dogs from a distance, kept yelling "go doggies, go doggies". Then there were more gymnasts, some trampoline acts, the trapeze acrobats, and some that did a routine with long material, kind of like in cirque du soleil. We had a great time. Although, I have to say that after our tour guide told us the tent was "highly flammable" and smoking was not permitted, all I could think about was how we would escape in the event the thing went up in flames. I had a very elaborate plan devised which involved Jeff jumping the stair rail and me throwing the kids to him and then somehow getting out myself. One of my friends pointed out that Jeff would probably have wanted me to get out with the kids first. She's probably right. 

In other news we have planned a spring break trip to China. Yes, I said China. I still can't believe we're going to China. I have never really had an interest in going there, but since we are here we are going to take the opportunity. It is going to be a busy trip but one I'm sure will be a great experience. God has been opening my eyes to so many cultures and showing me just how BIG He is. I'm looking forward to the trip. The kids are excited too. I don't think they have any idea what it means to be going to China. What an experience it will be for them. They are becoming quite the world travelers. I'm not sure I'd even been out of Indiana by the time I was four let alone to other countries. That's not exactly true I'm sure I had been to Michigan too. :)

Not much else is new here. I hope you all are doing well too.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Sweet Valentines

Happy Valentines Day! I'm so thankful for my three sweet valentines. 

My Sweet Valentines from Kristen Singley on Vimeo.

P.S. You don't even want to know how long it took me to get this video up. I don't have mad computer skills.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Maybe It's Maybelline

Or Maybe it's not...

This is what happens when you aren't paying attention to your daughter because you are on the computer and she's quiet and you are glad for a few moments of peace. Note to self, silence+Alison=Trouble

Monday, February 2, 2009

Baby Be Blessed!

The guests before cutting the cake!

Mom and daughter. Toni made this incredible cake.

I love the detail, even the outie belly button is there.

The diaper cake

This past Saturday I was blessed to hold a baby shower in honor of my friend Toni's daughter, Calla. She will become a mom in a matter of weeks to a precious baby boy. It was a joy to celebrate this baby's life and to encourage Calla as she prepares to bring him into the world.