This is what happens when you aren't paying attention to your daughter because you are on the computer and she's quiet and you are glad for a few moments of peace. Note to self, silence+Alison=Trouble
Hey there - I can SOOO totally relate. If it's quiet here - that usually means double trouble - and that my two little tornadoes are wreaking havoc upstairs! But I can so relate - that a few minutes of quiet time is priceless. LOVED the photos - it looks like Alison was quite proud of herself! Hugs!
Hey there - I can SOOO totally relate. If it's quiet here - that usually means double trouble - and that my two little tornadoes are wreaking havoc upstairs! But I can so relate - that a few minutes of quiet time is priceless. LOVED the photos - it looks like Alison was quite proud of herself! Hugs!
Trouble is way to stinken cute, though!!! I love the cheesy smile!!!
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