Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Update

Just a quick post to update our summer adventures. We arrived in Virginia on June 13th and have had almost a month of fun. I think the kids are on permanent vacation mode. I am ready for some routine back in our days, but that will be a few more weeks in coming. We spent 10 days in Richmond with my family. We also took the kids on a mystery trip to Williamsburg and went to Busch Gardens and The Great Wolf Lodge. We have been with Jeff's family since the 25th. We celebrated the twins' first birthday with every member of the Singley clan. It was great to see Nana with all of her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. We arrived in OCNJ last Tuesday and have had a pretty lazy week at the shore. Lots of beach time and even more boardwalk time. Owen is on a quest to play every mini golf course on the island. We had a great end to our time at the beach at the Phillies game last night. What an awesome game. Beautiful weather, cheesesteaks, yuengling, big foam fingers, the Phanatic, and a Phillies win 22 to 1. God Bless America!

We head back to Virginia in a couple of hours. We'll be back in Richmond by the end of the week for a certain little girl's 3rd Birthday. Can you even believe that beautiful girl is going to be 3? I can't. Jeff heads out a week from today. Right now I'm just telling myself he's going to California for work. Because he is for at least a month. I'll deal with the rest of it later. Please continue to pray for us. I have a feeling next Tuesday is going to be pretty tough on two little kids who love their dad. Gotta get packed up, again.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update - great to hear from you!!! Praying for the rest of your trip and for Jeff's trip!!!! See you soon!!

Katie said...

Sounds like you are enjoying your adventure along the East Coast. I hope these days before Jeff heads off on his "business trip" are fun filled and relaxing. If you need a "pit stop" break, we are just off of Exit 143...you can see our neighborhood from the Hgwy!
Take Care!