Thursday, August 13, 2009


These are all things Alison said today that made me smile. 

I don't want it (referring to sunscreen) on my headbow.  (forehead)

God said we could wear our jammies out. -- I think this is because I told her she can't wear her jammies out to the store

You are not God you are mommy. --  Thank goodness for that!

"And pray that Jesus helps her to walk again and run and, (long pause), skip"-- Referring to Miss Erin. I'm not sure skipping is on her list of skills to regain but Alison wants to make sure it is. 

I think my favorite is "headbow". I love it. Soon enough she'll say the right word and I'll know she is growing up, but for now I hope headbow sticks around a while. 

1 comment:

Erin said...

THAT STINKER!!! I love it! I love that she said "GOD SAID, that we could wear our jammies out!" And you can tell her that skipping is MOST definately on my list of skills to regain!! Hugs~