Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lost In Translation

Ok so I've been posting way too many sappy posts so here is some comic relief. Owen had kite day at school and his teacher told me to go buy him a kite at Jusco. Jusco is a department store, a little like a super WalMart or SuperTarget but more upscale in areas. It's hard to explain unless you see it. So I ventured to Jusco and enjoyed looking around by myself and then headed to the toy department. I didn't see any kites so I thought ok, I'll try to ask for help. I asked the sweet girl at the checkout if they had any kites. She looked at me confused. I continued, "kites, you fly in the air", gesturing like I was flying a kite. She still seemed confused but I thought she said kites back to me. She had me follow her and as we entered the children's clothing I knew something had gone awry. She very excitedly took me to the tights. Ok, not exactly what I was looking for. So I smiled and said "kites". Feeling dumber by the minute and wishing that I had already taken a Japanese class. She proceeded to take me to the phone and call another sales clerk to help me. She also thought I was asking for tights. Then she walked over to where we were and finally understood what I was asking for. They were sold out of kites. Of course. I need to remember to bring my Japanese book with me and get to a language class. I hope to do that after things get settled down a bit. Our shipment has arrived and they are bringing our household goods today. I'm so excited. I can't remember anymore everything we brought and it will be fun to open everything up. Just like Christmas again.

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