Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Negotiator

Owen starts school on Tuesday. He doesn't want to go. He makes sure he tells me he's not going on a daily basis. He gets a little excited about the playground but then still decides he's not going to go to school. I've tried lots of tactics to convince him school is a good idea to no avail. Today on the way home from church we were talking about school and he started in on how he wasn't going to go. Jeff asked him what he would do if he didn't go to school and his reply was "stay home". I told him it would be very boring to stay home because he would have to stay in his room all day to which he said "no I'd play". I said "no, if you don't do what is required you don't get privileges either". Then he outdid himself and said "going to school is a privilege and I lost that privilege forever so I can't go". Well done son. You found an argument that might work, the opportunity to go to school is a privilege, but it is a privilege that is a requirement in our house. Wish us luck on Tuesday and pray he has a good day.

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