Friday, October 17, 2008

It's A Bird, It's a Plane, It's

SuperKIDS! I found these jammies for Alison at the exchange today. They only had one pair and I've learned the hard way if you think you want it you need to buy it when you see it, so I did. Is she precious or what? She calls herself "buperman". Owen spent some time teaching her how to fly. Thankfully it only involved jumping off the couch. I love my little "supermans". 


Nicole said...

TOO cute. Love their matching jammies... Hope they don't hurt themselves -- or anything -- flying off of couches! One time when our O did that it involved a trip to the pediatrician for sutures in his chin! :-)

Katie said...

Showed this to the Moloko siblings this afternoon. Max's comment was "Alison is all growed up! Do you think she misses you Mom?"

Love the jammies and the new fancy bed. Have to say we all cheered when we saw Kirby's tank on the dresser in the background.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could borrow her outfit for Memory Woman - wouldn't I just look great in pink??? Your little ones are way to cute!!!!