Monday, October 6, 2008

Rock The Vote!

I voted! It is the 5th time I've voted for President. Am I getting old? My mom taught me that you shouldn't talk about who you vote for. It is a personal decision and freedom for each individual. I can see her point but I'll just go ahead and let you know I'm for MCCain/Palin baby! I hope all of you will decide to be for them on your own. But even if you have a different opinion, VOTE!! Exercise your freedom to choose our next President because Freedom isn't Free. Can't wait for November 4th. And here's hoping for no hanging chads or recounts. Oh, and that my ballot actually makes it to in time to be counted. :)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hey Kristen... I just read the paper during lunch, and they are saying it doesn't look good at all for the McCain/Palin ticket. That shocked me -- I guess I haven't watched much TV or the news lately... I know the debate tonight is big stuff. I likely won't watch it (hope to be asleep by then!) but will definitely be praying. So glad you voted! You're right -- it is SO important!