Thursday, March 20, 2008

Chase Utley in Okinawa?!?

Today was the character parade at Owen's school. The kids in grades K4 through 2nd all chose a character out of a book and dressed up as that character. They got to walk all over the school to show off their costumes even to the high school kids and then introduced themselves and told who they were and what book they chose. Owen chose to be "Superstar Charlie" and wear his new baseball uniform from Uncle Brent. He looked good! Definitely the cutest boy there. I think my boy might be a heart breaker one day. It was a fun event and both Jeff and I were able to attend and we even got to eat lunch with O. For a special treat Owen said "mommy before you leave I want you to give me a hug and a kiss". I imagine that won't happen that often in a few years so I will store that memory up as a treasure. I sure love that little man of mine.

1 comment:

Erin said...

You sure have one handsome little guy there Mrs. Singley!! You have a handsome guy, and a gorgeous princess are very blessed. I think I will refrain from showing Taryn the picture of Owey with the dark haired girl..I don't want to have to deal with the jealousy drama at such a young fragile age...Hugs~